this is a website where I will post useless garbage that has little to no bearing on reality. also, I'm not gonna use too many capitol letters. maybe I'll have other fun/groovy stuff.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Today I found a place that gives you free cookies and tea. It was like alice in wonderland but with less talking animals. Unless you count people as animals, in which case there are more talking animals. and a piano. I don't really like tea, but I like cream and sugar and cookies. also, I folded a napkin into a crown and evan put it on his head but it fell off cause it was too small. and then he used it as a cup holder, and I said , "ha, that's exactly what I wanted you to do with it, ha ha ha ha." and then he took a sip and pretended to choke. and then he did choke.
Clearly I have the power to choke people, like darth vader, or the mummy (not the new mummy, the old mummy who was black and white and really scary). So for the good of humanity i'm locking myself in my room. I am a danger to others.

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