this is a website where I will post useless garbage that has little to no bearing on reality. also, I'm not gonna use too many capitol letters. maybe I'll have other fun/groovy stuff.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


it would seem my website has vanished. I can't find it, but i can still type this. odd. where could it be hiding? I think so much coolnes distributed to so many people over the internet would have made the world explode, so they got rid of it untill they could find away to stabalize the coolness. Sometimes when pencils are missing they are behind me ear. Maybe that's where the website is....I can't see back there without a mirrir. plus I'm wearing a hat, so I couldn't see back there even with a mirror.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pencil is probably embedded in the paper-thin walls of your room from when your head asplode... Just a suggestion.