this is a website where I will post useless garbage that has little to no bearing on reality. also, I'm not gonna use too many capitol letters. maybe I'll have other fun/groovy stuff.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

here is some bad poetry

the shadow comes closer
like a ploom extending to infinity
it peers at me with scalding eyes
I turn to face it
it opens itslef, I have nothing to fear
its bony fingers embrace me
I am at robarts
the sadness

by, me

here's another poem

it envelopes me
I sit in the corner waiting for it to come
it doesn't dissapoint
it never dissapoints
yet it is disappointing

I wrote two poems, that means I am a poet. Next stop, pirate, puppet, poet, pauper, pawn and king, then I will be frank sinatra. and I will exude coolness like a cell exudes potassium thrhough active transport channels, or toxings though exocytosis.

here's some math, If U is a subspace (zero exists, closed under addition and scalar multiplication), then U=U-perp-perp
if X is in U and Y is in U perp, then U-perp =the set of all vectors Y s.t. XdotY=0. if Z is in U perp perp, then U perp is the set of all Z s.t. YdotZ=zero, but by definition U is any vector X (=Z) where YdotX(or Z)=zero (by commutativity of dot product). Therefore every element of Uperp perp is in U. Moreover, dim(U) + dim(U perp) = n and dim(U perp) + dim( U perp perp)=n, which implies that dim(U)=dim(Uperp perp). Since U perp perp is contained in U and has the same dimention as U, U perp perp equals U by the fundamental theorem of algebra.

confused?? it means that if you draw two lines at right angles to each other, the first line equals itself. see, math is useful, how else would I have known that that line was itself?


Anonymous said...

Be guessing what Dan-o, you have inspired ME to write bad poetry too! Behold:

Mathematics -
angry, scowling numbers
glaring through smudged equals signs
prancing fiendishly across my page
i am feverish and disoriented in the tangle of digits
shadowy, incoherent logic
erasers weeping tiny tears of rubber
A pencil falls to the floor.

-The epistle of kristen

A. D. said...

Let me try...

U = U
But does it?
How do you know?
You assume it?

Remember: "colourless green ideas sleep furiously"